
Mall is the term used by Americans to refer to huge shopping centres. Private places of public use, where eveything has been thought out so that you don´t have to think, only buy. My interest in this photographic series centres on curiosity, on unravelling the monumentality of these supermarkets that are supplementing the roles of town squares and public parks, and that attract people with a magnetism that no other contemporary temple can beat. The only way of stopping to look and understand Malls is to take photographs of them . Try it yourself.

© Diego Ortiz

I believe that my photographs talk of the lack of fascination of the everyday, of how things, at force of seeing them, do not seem amazing. On the contrary they are, they are totally amazing. Custom is that we stop questioning the things that we see before us everyday, and the familiarity of their presence has created an illusion which we understand. In this moment enters into play the quietude: you stop to look at things and understand that you do not understand them, that they have other dimensions, a backdoor, many angles from where to look at them. My photography reflects the amazed gaze of he who starts looking at things a little more carefully, and sees angles, and backdoors.

© Diego Ortiz
castellano | english